
Did you know that the country with the most searches for “short film” is from India and Bangladesh? And within […]

I know it’s been a while. The last half-year had been a time that I have been feeling really low, […]

When I was starting out it was difficult to find the writing process of others. Hence I wanted to share […]

The next story that I am working on is something that I’m currently not certain what genre it is. Right […]

Last week was a mess with my laptop crashing. With it I also lost all my data and hence couldn’t […]

I’ve not told this to many, but I once was at the verge of committing suicide. I don’t clearly remember […]

I resigned my job in June 2015. It took me 5 years since to make my debut feature film. Hence […]

I resigned my job in June 2015. It took me 5 years since to make my debut feature film. Hence […]

For the majority of last week I was on Amazon Prime, Netflix and TV. Was I studying or binging or […]

It’s been 12 days since we released our debut feature film Munnariv on my YouTube channel. Let’s see what releasing […]

A good relative of mine asked me the question of why not attend a film school recently. This was the […]

As a film director my job is to make difficult decisions. How do you know which is the right one […]

This is an excerpt from my book The Indian Indie Film (or Make Your Film for rest of the world). It […]

In the previous article we looked at why we chose to shoot our debut feature film on an iPhone over […]

Having used Apple systems for some years now, I might be becoming a fan boy. But it was not the […]

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