
We will now look at remaining 5 vital things to have ready in preproduction of a low budget feature film. […]

Of all the phases of making a film, when it comes to a low budget production, the preproduction work done […]

If you have followed the steps in the blog series, you have probably decided filmmaking is your path, learnt the […]

Funding might not be the most attractive thing for you, but is undeniably essential to make your debut film. I […]

Writing and rewriting scripts is something that you need to be doing if you want to be making your first […]

Working as an Assistant Director on set is a safe way for anyone starting out, to learn the actual workings […]

Connecting with like minded people is a must in filmmaking than any other art form. Painter and writers can go […]

As I started writing the third step in my series of 7 steps to make your first feature film, I […]

Learning filmmaking is very easy. Its basics are so simple that Robert Rodriguez (the director of movies like Spy Kids, Sin […]

Deciding to be a filmmaker might have been, for me, the hardest step of all. This is my personal journey. […]

The easiest, fastest and safest way to reach a goal is to follow someone who is already there. The 7 […]

Today morning as I was making tea, I kept singing this beautiful song by AR Rahman,’Nila Kaaigiradhu’ from the movie […]

Am I getting older? Are these the signs of me growing up? I feel like those ‘uncles’, married, with kids, […]

I don’t know how to go about it. I’m learning so much from Gary Vaynerchuk. He says that one needs […]

I realise I’ve come to a point where my ability to create an engaging, movie that is pleasing to an […]

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